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1. Were the students cheated? If so, by whom? The teachers, the administration or the NCLB requirements? 



2. What is the take on the author’s acceptance of responsibility?  Does it matter that it took so long?  Does his version of the facts appear to be an explanation or an excuse?


3. Does this scandal prove that standardized testing is not a fair way to measure our student’s or teacher’s success?



4. Do you agree with the criminal prosecution and the method of prosecution?  Does the fact that teachers received bonus money, make the actions more criminal? 



5. Was the cheating one portion of a larger negative culture of drugs, sex, and violence or was cheating the cause of the anti-culture of, sex, drugs and violence within the school system? Are these cultural negativities a part of what is the norm in a system of this size? System in urban communities?  System with predominantly lower economic status?


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