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Authors’ Note


As an educator, the biggest profit one can gain is knowing that a person, a student knew more about a subject than before you started.  As an attorney, the biggest goal is ensuring that the client’s goal(s) are being met through your representation.  Therefore, the authors of this book joined together to fulfill their individual goals. 


Christopher Waller is donating a portion of his proceeds to his favorite charity, Sixth Episcopal District Haiti Fund, an orphanage for children in Haiti.  For Mr. Waller this book is not about attempting making a profit or attempting to redeem himself.  This book is about telling the “other side” of a national story.  


The role of the investigators and prosecutors was to research and prove criminal action.  The teachers, administration and staff have only had a chance to express their side to their closest friends and family.  A discussion on ethics in education after the revelation of this scandal requires a three-dimensional look at the whole story.  Whether readers agree or disagree with the educators, Christopher Waller, or the prosecution, the authors of this book hope to provide a transparent view of that third dimension.  

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